
We have an excellent line-up of professionals speaking about topics for mom’s health and self-care.

The Main Mom Event is a drop-in event (not a full-day event) so plan your event experience based on the speaker(s) you would like to see. 

10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

Postpartum Body & Pelvic Health – Melissa Dessaulles

11:15 AM – 12:15 PM

Maternal Mental Health – Dr. Zoe Sehn

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

Panel Discussion – Motherhood: What the (insert mommy word) is going on?!

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Communication Skills to Strengthen Your Relationship – Jaime Morgan

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM

Identity and Connecting with Ourselves in Motherhood – Melissa Blake

View the presentation topics and speaker bios below: 


We have an excellent line-up of professionals speaking about topics for mom’s health and self-care.

The Main Mom Event is a drop-in event (not a full-day event) so plan your event experience based on the speaker(s) you would like to see. 

10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

Postpartum Body & Pelvic Health – Melissa Dessaulles

11:15 AM – 12:15 AM

Maternal Mental Health – Dr. Zoe Sehn

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

Panel Discussion – Motherhood: What the (insert mommy word) is going on?!

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Communication Skills to Strengthen Your Relationship – Jaime Morgan

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM

Identity and Connecting with Ourselves in Motherhood – Melissa Lapczynski

Speakers & Topics


Postpartum Body & pelvic Health

Have questions about your postpartum body and pelvic floor? Join Melissa as she explains, normalizes, and dispels myths about five common symptoms after baby; incontinence, prolapse, diastasis, pain with sex and a body that feels foreign. 


Melissa Dessaulles, Physical Therapist

With 15+ years experience as a physiotherapist, Melissa’s mission is to help clients adopt a proactive approach to their pelvic health so they can feel empowered as they weather the changes that come with aging, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and living an active lifestyle.

Host of the pelvic floor project podcast.


Maternal Mental Health

‘Work like you don’t have children and parent like you don’t have a job’: an exploration of the current state of maternal mental health.

This presentation will explore the diverse and often competing demands on mothers in a post-pandemic Western culture. We will discuss how social issues have been misunderstood as issues of mental health while also providing an overview of the most common maternal mental health concerns from pregnancy through parenting adult children. Strategies to support and improve women’s mental health and well-being will be offered. 


Dr. Zoe Sehn, RCC, CCC

Dr. Zoë Sehn holds a PhD in Counselling and Psychotherapy. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor, a Canadian Certified Counsellor, and a maternal mental health specialist. She is also a mother to two small children.

Her business, Hopeful Pathways Counselling, is a mental health service dedicated to all aspects of creating families, which emerged from her own experiences and an inability to find the support she needed. 


Communication Skills to Strengthen Your Relationship

Relationships (whether you are married, divorced, single, or dating) can be heavily impacted once you have children. A key concept to help maintain a strong relationship is communication. Jaime will be sharing her practical solutions to keep your relationship strong with her 3 Cs of relationships: communication, conflict resolution, and connection. 

Relationships can feel tough sometimes, but she will leave you inspired and confident that you have what it takes to make your partnership last or give you the skills to communicate with past partners or new ones.


Jaime Morgan

Jaime Morgan is a Gottman trained relationship and personal growth expert and speaker.

She shares actionable tools for couples to create lasting relationships filled with healthy communication, conflict resolution, and connection like when they first met.

On stage, Jaime speaks from a place of vast lived experience and shares her relatable, real life stories that led her from her own rock bottom, to her rise in personal and career success.


Identity and Connecting with Ourselves in Motherhood

Who are you?

A question that will have evolving answers throughout our lives, with “a mother,” being a common one for many. Being a mother can be a beautiful part of our identity, yet can also bring challenges and struggles with maintaining a sense of self.

In this presentation, we will explore strategies to connect to the different parts of ourselves in the midst of the demands of motherhood. My hope is that you leave this presentation feeling empowered, having more self-compassion and prioritizing your own needs to cultivate a deeper sense of identity to all parts of yourself.


Melissa Blake

Melissa Blake is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with over 15 years of experience working with clients supporting individuals, couples, families and groups.

She is a mom to two wild and beautiful boys ages 5 and 10 and is especially passionate about supporting all things motherhood. Her group practice, Motion Counselling and Wellness, located downtown Kelowna offers counselling and support services to the community.


Panel Discussion

Motherhood: What the (insert mommy word) is going on?!

Bringing the conversation of motherhood off-line, this panel discussion will showcase a few mothers balancing parenting and working (paid or not paid) in different ways and at different stages. Creating a safe, non-judgmental space, the conversation is geared at providing a space to learn, relate, and hopefully alleviate some of that mom guilt. 


A Variety of Okanagan Moms